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Tiny Miss of America
Optional Registration Page


Please complete the below form. This will help us be better prepared at pageant registration.  Remember, any optional can be added or dropped at pageant registration.  If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask!!!!

The form is to be completed by Wee Baby and Baby Miss entries ONLY!!


Complete and Submit Optional Registration Form

Enter Tiny Miss of America

For Wee Baby and Baby Miss, ONLY!!!

Remember, to be eligible to win the Little Miss highpoint title, you MUST enter a minimum of 2 optional events. Please check the optional(s) planning to enter:

Delegates Mandatory Registration Fee includes their t-shirt. For Wee Baby and Baby Miss, this t-shirt will be worn for the Group Photo, the Optional Awards Show on Friday evening and the "Under the Big Top" Circus Dance Party Friday night. Please select the delegate's color of her t-shirt and size.

Select T-Shirt Color

Delegates Mandatory Registration Fee includes the delegates party admission.

All delegates under 18 years of age, must have at least 1 chaperone in attendance. Please select which parent party pass you need and how many of each pass you need, but anyone in attendance with the delegate must have a party pass.

Select Parent Party Pass

Thanks for submitting! We will see you soon!!

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